Saturday, May 8, 2010

Quality Writing Time

I've been struggling with a form of writer's block...chapter twenty-one. I know what should happen, it's just that I've re-written the chapter over ten just wasn't quite right. Then, it finally happened, I figured out what the problem was, I was starting the chapter in the wrong place!

I quickly deleted my prior effort and set to work. Things were going along smoothly, then it happened, all four of my children needed something, almost at exactly the same time. Then the water cooler chose that moment to spring a leak. My husband was working overtime, sooooo I had to handle it : )

Crisis aside, I am ready to pick up where I left off. I know of one writer who lights a candle while she is writing so her family knows to only disturb her in an emergency. How about you readers...what do you do to ensure quality writing time?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Awaiting Contest Results

Currently, I have two entries in the ACFW Genesis contest. My novel Healing Springs is entered in the Romantic Suspense category, and my novel The Generation is entered in the Speculative Fiction category.

The results are expected before May 15th. As I am waiting, and praying for a positive outcome, I have come to realize that the victory is in the effort. Every step you take to advance your writing career, no matter how small is a step towards publication.

Are you struggling with your current WIP? Waiting to hear from an editor or agent? Trust that the Lord has a plan for your writing, and while you're waiting keep writing!